
Interdisciplinary Environmental Conference held at UIC

Published on 24 July 2007


July 22, UIC – The 4th Interdisciplinary Conference at Pearl River Delta sponsored by Beijing Normal University - Hong Kong Baptist University United International College in association with the Hong Kong America Center, Zhuhai Environmental Protection Bureau, Zhuhai Health Bureau, Zhuhai Science and Technology Bureau, Zhuhai Working Committee of the University District, Urban Planning and Environmental Health in Shenzhen, International Society for Doctors for the Environment, Shanghai Jiaotong University and the Universities of the Pearl River Delta was held at UIC on July 20-22. The theme of the conference was “Environment, Health and Harmony”.

More than a hundred Experts, professors and young scholars gathered in Zhuhai to study and discuss environmental and health issues at the Pearl River Delta. They came from Yale University, University of California, Berkeley, the New School University, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Chinese University, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Lingnan University, City University of Hong Kong, Macau University, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau Polytechnic Institute, Institute of Tourism Study, Macau, Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Jinan University, South China Agriculture University, South China Normal University, Shantou University, Central South University, Guangdong University of Foreign Study, International Society for Doctors for the Environment Asia-Pacific Association, Urban Planning and Environmental Health in Shenzhen, Beijing Natural Resources Defense Council, and Hong Kong Yale-China Association. The three-day conference provided a study and exchange platform for young scholars from different countries and regions with extensive lectures and group discussions.

In his opening oration, UIC Executive Vice President Prof. Kwok Siu Tong considered the conference an important event to promote research in the Pearl River Delta for the mutual development of economy, environment and health. The conference specially invited experts from the US and South Asia to join young scholars from Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China in the study and discussions for the most important subjects in the 21st Century – economy development, environmental protection and health (public hygiene and disease prevention), as well as how to combine the efforts in these fields for a healthy and harmonious society. As the sponsor, UIC can also benefit from the interdisciplinary conference in liberal arts and Whole Person Education development.

Mr. Xiong Haopin, Deputy Director General of Zhuhai Environmental Protection Bureau, Mr. Zhong Guosheng, Director of the Working Committee of Zhuhai University District, Mr. Chen Qi, Deputy Director of Center for Disease Control & Protection of Zhuhai, Mr. Glenne Shive, Hong Kong America Center attended the opening ceremony.


Report: Cheryl Chen/ Christy Zhao
Photo: Elaine Hong/ Christy Zhao
Development & Public Relations Office


Updated on 8 September 2020