
US Diplomats visit UIC June 8, 2007

Published on 11 June 2007


A group of US diplomats visited UIC this morning. Visitors included Ms. Darcy Zotter, Public Affairs Officer and Mr. Timothy Guo, Information Resource Assistant, US Consulate, Guangzhou, Ms. Peg Walthers, Regional Information Resource Officer, US Embassy, Beijing, and Dr. Glenn Shive, American Center, Hong Kong.

At their arrival, the visitors were met by Mr. William May, Acting Director, International Development, and together they joined an introduction meeting with UIC representatives chaired by Prof. Kwok Siu Tong, Executive Vice-President of UIC.

Prof. Kwok gave a presentation titled “A Creative Response to the Educational Reform in China” at the meeting. He introduced the development of UIC and its unique educational model as well as the cooperative programmes being planned between UIC and Minnesota, He also indicated that UIC would welcome friends who would like to help in its future development.

The visitors were very interested in the rapid growth of UIC, and expressed their intention to launch information and cultural programmes with UIC in the future.


Christy Zhao
Development & Public Relations Office


Updated on 8 September 2020