
14 August 2006, German Academic Guests Visited UIC

Published on 29 August 2006


Between 14 August to 17 August 2006,five academic people from Germany and Beijing visited UIC. They were professors from universities in Germany and from Beijing Normal University. UIC warmly welcomed the guests.

Professor Wang, the Vice President of UIC, received the German guests and had dinner with them.

In the morning of 15 August 2006, a meeting was held between Professor Wang, other relative staff of UIC and the German guests. Professor Sarker made a brief introduction of UIC. All of the guests were really interested in the educational approach at UIC, especially in the student exchange plan. Professor Klaus Erdmann, Dean of the Central Branch and Deputy President of Federal University of Applied Administrative Sciences, introduced the Summer Academic Program of their University and showed some pictures taken during the Summer Academic Workshop held in Beijing this year. Professor Paul Hockings, Professor Sarker and Ms. Anna Li, the Deputy Director of our International Section, exchanged their opinions about establishing a cooperative relationship with the German universities. Through their sincere exchange, both sides expressed the intention of cooperating in the future.

Then a discussion was held between the professors and four UIC students in the afternoon. The professors carefully answered the many questions from our students about social work study and the employment situation in Germany. The students said afterwards that they have learnt a lot from this conversation.

On 16 August 2006, some staff of UIC accompanied the guests on a trip to the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Residence Memorial Museum and also the Museum of Zhuhai City which made the German guests’ first visit to Guangdong more comfortable and fruitful. One of the guests, Dr. XIN Qiang, Associate Professor, Director of Research Center for Europe and Asia from Beijing Normal University, said it was a very meaningful tour and she was glad that she had had the opportunity to visit these two museums. She suggested that all students should visit the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Residence Memorial Museum and learn more about the great but difficult history of the Revolution for the establishment of the new China. All of the guests evidently enjoyed a good time in Zhuhai and Zhongshan.


Updated on 8 September 2020