
10 October 2006, the former Vice President of HKBU visited UIC

Published on 16 October 2006


On 10 October 2006, Dr. Maurice J. Anderson, the former Vice President of HKBU, visited UIC together with his son Mr. Tom Anderson and his friend Mr. Ullin Ho.

They arrived on the campus in the afternoon and were received by the Executive Vice President of UIC, Prof. Kwok, and the Deputy Director of International Section, Ms. Anna Li. After a tour in campus, the guests felt relaxed at the western-style restaurant of the International Centre. Prof. Kwok had a delightful discussion with the guests. As Dr. Anderson and Prof. Kwok have both lived in Hong Kong and worked for universities there for a long time, they have many things in common. They exchanged their experience in their early days in universities. Even though Dr. Anderson is 92 years old, he has a healthy body and a good memory. He expressed a desire to teach as long as he can. Prof. Kwok showed his sincerity in inviting him for the High Table Dinner at UIC. When exchanging gifts with UIC, Dr. Anderson gave UIC a book written by himself, “The Survival Strategies of a Complex Organization”.

The guests were then taken to dinner by Prof. Kwok and some other UIC staff. They had a good time and appreciated the hospitality of UIC, as Mr. Ho indicated.

By Doris CHEN


Updated on 8 September 2020