
18 April 2006, Visitors from Minnesota Consortium

Published on 27 June 2006


On April 18th, 2006, Dr. David J. Davies, Director of the East Asian Studies Program and LEAD Program of the College of Liberal Arts at Hamline University, and Mr. Thomas A. Homan, Director of the Office of International Education at the College of St. Scholastica, visited UIC as representatives of the Minnesota Consortium. We had a meeting in Z-A201 with UIC faculty.

First, Prof. Hockings gave a brief introduction to UIC and Prof. Kwok introduced the UIC summer program. Then the meeting discussed the programs that UIC and their Minnesota universities might collaborate in, such as the summer/ winter program and the exchange students and articulation program. In the meeting, Prof. Kwok also suggested that the universities send their students to Zhuhai to do fieldwork so that the universities could build a “cross-cultural village” in UIC, where the visitors could give lectures, do research, and do some projects together, etc. UIC could also provide those researchers with research assistants and other hardware support. The visitors showed great interest in the proposal, and Prof. Davies said that he would like to bring a group of Anthropology students to Zhuhai.

This meeting was a good opening for future collaboration between the universities and the visitors wished to visit UIC again.


Updated on 8 September 2020