
[People of UIC] Meet Kwong Chi Man: Connecting global audiences to Chinese culture with paintings

Published on 14 November 2022

Kwong Chi Man, an Associate Professor of UIC's School of Culture and Creativity, was invited to exhibit his artwork Balance and Order at the Orangerie inside Jardin du Luxembourg in Paris this September, which makes him among the few Chinese artists selected for the Salon des Beaux Arts.

Balance and Order

'Balance and Order' exhibited at the Orangerie inside Jardin du Luxembourg

Born in Hong Kong in the 1970s, Mr Kwong Chi Man is a famous artist who excels at illustrations, industrial design, animation, and fine art. His artworks have won multiple national and international awards.

With a great interest in painting, Mr Kwong studied Bachelor of Fine Art at the Columbus College of Art and Design in the US, which laid a solid aesthetic foundation. He then obtained a Master's Degree in Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and established his art studio.

Mr Kwong has been living in Zhuhai since 2019, transforming his focus on creation from commercial to fine art. His multicultural backgrounds and unique life experiences allow him to possess unique aesthetic expressions.

For Mr Kwong, conveying the idea through artwork is more important than bringing the visual experience to audiences. With global vision and insights from Confucianism and Taoism, many of his art pieces combine eastern cultural characteristics and western painting techniques. Among them, the acrylic paintings Mountain Multiply & Stream Double Back entered a competition organised by a French international magazine called The Art of Watercolor. His work Door was chosen to be the cover page of Artmagazineium, a renowned Belgian art magazine.

Mountain Multiply & Stream Double Back and Door

In addition, Ocean-Mo, Cursed Sky, and Last Inch of Pure Land, were selected to exhibit at the COP26 "Together for Our Planet" exhibition hosted by Occhi Contemporary Art and entered the collection of the United Nations Environment Programme.

Ocean-Mo, Cursed Sky, and Last Inch of Pure Land

At UIC, Mr Kwong teaches Digital Illustration and Digital Special Effect courses in the Animation and Interactive Media programme.

He finds that UIC's internationalised atmosphere and education system are very similar to his overseas learning experiences. Meanwhile, he is impressed by students' enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge.

In the future, Mr Kwong wishes to cultivate students' practical application of theoretical knowledge and remain true to his original aspiration of conveying positive energy and hope.


Reporter: Wang Qianhan

Photos provided by interviewees

Editors: Covee Wang, Deen He

Updated on 14 November 2022
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