
Urgent reminder on Pandemic Prevention and Control

Published on 17 January 2022

16 January 2022

Dear students,

According to the academic calendar, this semester will end on 20 January. The majority of students have returned home. Currently, the pandemic situation is quite concerning. As you all know Zhuhai itself has become a medium risk area, with the city under pressure to impose strict control measures. Face-to-face with the virus, there can be no bystanders or outsiders. Each and every one of us is the primary caretaker of our own health. In view of this, students are reminded of the following:

1.    Before the College reopens, students who have left the campus will not return unless and until they are advised to do so.

In order to keep track of the movement of students, you are required to log on the MIS Survey ( so as to record your travel plans. Before school resumes, students who have departed from the College will not return to the campus until and unless advised to do so. For detailed arrangements concerning your return to the campus, please stay tuned for further announcements from the College. Students who are remaining on campus due to the pandemic are obligated to follow the rules and regulations of the College, to ensure full compliance with anti-virus control measures.

2.    Uploading your health survey is a must.

Whether you are on or off campus, all students are required to comply with our campus health control measures by submitting your daily health survey ( and duly and factually report your health condition and travel record. If, during the holidays, you have visited or stayed in a medium to high risk area, you must report this fact to the College. ( No student is allowed to conceal the facts, delay or misrepresent his or her health condition, travel history to areas severely affected by Covid, or any contact with suspected Covid-19 sufferer(s). Those who breach the rules will be dealt with according to the regulations.

3.    Please keep abreast of the Covid-19 developments.

Students are strongly advised to keep up-to-date on the latest Covid developments within the country, and stay alert to the evolving situation, nationally and internationally. Please exercise due caution with respect to protecting yourself against Covid-19, and play an active part in the control and prevention of the virus, and take on the role as a promoter of public health consciousness. For the latest information concerning the classification of health risks please click on this link:

4.    If you must travel, travel safely, taking cautious steps to ensure your safety.

Students are expected to adhere to local virus control and prevention rules and regulations, and minimize non-essential travel, especially to medium and high risk areas. Unless absolutely necessary, refrain from making social calls, gatherings and going to crowded premises. If travel is unavoidable, please take all the necessary precautions to ensure a sensible travel plan, by understanding the virus situation, its control measures and policies. Be sure you find out whether there has been a recent outbreak of Covid cases in your chosen destination, and arm yourself with a supply of masks, hand sanitizers and other necessities for your trip.

5.    Raise your level of healthcare consciousness.

Students are asked to do your duty as a responsible citizen when it comes to virus control and prevention. Consistently observe the “3-musts”—mask up, maintain social distancing and observe personal hygiene. Adhere to the “5 mandatory measures”—always wear a mask, keep social distance, cover your mouth when coughing, wash your hands frequently, and keep the room well ventilated by opening the windows. If you have a fever or cough or other ailment, you should mask up and seek medical treatment from a nearby outpatient clinic for fevers, and avoid using public transport.

6.    Please get vaccinated as soon as possible.

Getting a Covid-19 jab is the most economical and effective virus prevention and protection method, and is the best way to build up herd immunity. Students who remain unvaccinated are asked to get jabbed as soon as possible from their local vaccination centers.

7.    Make sensible plans for your holidays.

Students should plan their daily life sensibly, keeping a healthy and positive attitude, getting plenty of sleep, maintaining a nutritionally healthy diet and undertaking appropriate physical exercises. We suggest that you engage in strength-building or a physically demanding regime, with at least two hours of outdoor activities.

The College will take into account the developing virus situation as well as guidelines or directives from government authorities to make the necessary adjustments in our virus control and prevention measures. Paying attention to Covid control emails is your responsibility. So, please make sure that you check emails from the College regularly to stay on top of the situation and latest measures. The burden of complying with Covid control measures rests with each and every one of you. Failure to do so may result in causing personal inconvenience to you when returning to the campus, for which you must bear full responsibility. Should you have any questions, please email them to

Finally, as we get ready to welcome the Chinese New Year, we wish each and every one of you a happy and healthy holiday.

With Best Regards,

Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College

Updated on 17 January 2022