
Further Arrangement for College Offices on Rainstorm

Published on 12 May 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Further to the latest Notice issued by the Bureau of Education of Zhuhai, classes will still be cancelled for all schools on 12th May (Thursday). Therefore, staff members will continue to work from home tomorrow. For the make-up classes arrangement, please refer to the announcement sent by AR at 5:31 pm today.

Normal office duty is expected to resume on 13th May and staff members will be able to enter the campus by providing a green Yuekangma/GHC at the entrance (for those who have travelled outside Zhuhai/Zhongshan during the past 14 days, please refer to the Measures on Newly Imposed Guidelines (Version 22)). Normal practice of presenting a 48-hour valid negative result will be resumed starting from 14th May (Saturday). All staff members should continue to observe the rules and avoid any unessential travelling and gathering. Commute only between home and campus is highly recommended.

We will make necessary adjustment according to the updated weather condition. Please stay tuned to the HR announcement and take extra precautions.

Human Resources Office

Updated on 12 May 2022