

Graduation Speech - Xu Yangfan

Published on 21 June 2024

Mr President, Fellow Graduates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon. I am Xu Yangfan, a graduate of the programme of Bachelor of Science in Statistics. It is my honour to address all of you on behalf of my fellow graduates.

First of all, I sincerely hope that all of you will have smooth sailing, but be prepared for the uncertainties of life. In our university lives, we may study hard for excellent scores, prepare a lot for interviews and practice physically for sports competitions. However, not everything aligns with our expectations. We may face defeat, regret and chagrin in life. Sometimes, it is because of stronger competitors, and sometimes, it is due to poor luck. But we will overcome them all.

When I study regression in statistics, there are some things that need to be explained. Things that are uncontrollable are called noise, and things we can control are called factors. If you perfectly perform the factors with unexpected results, it is just due to the noise from the environment and is not your responsibility. Please do not grind away at yourself. What we can perform is not only the factors for the best results but also tolerate the existence of noise. If we change the abstract words, it is to follow your principles and ignore the interference. As for the uncertainties, if certain things satisfy your desires, congratulations. If not, please accept it and don’t be too hard on yourself.

In closing, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all our professors and fellow students. Together, we have cultivated a diverse and inclusive community. I would also like to extend a special thank you to my programme designer, my supervisor, and, above all, my parents. Without them, this journey would not have been successful.

Thank you.

Updated on 21 June 2024