Beijing Normal University- Hong Kong Baptist University United International College
President and Chair Professor
- MLE, Harvard University, 2012.
- Ph.D. in Chinese Studies, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Aug. 22, 99. Dissertation: “The Shaping of the Book of Songs: From Ritualization to Secularization.”
- M.Phil. in Chinese Literature, Nanjing University, June 1988. Dissertation: “The School of Xikun and the Flowery Trend of Poetry Writing in Early Song.”
- B.A. in History, Peking University, June 1985. Dissertation: “On Ouyang Xiu’s Theories of ‘Wen’ and ‘Dao’.”
Professional Qualifications/ Membership: (Selected)
- External Examiner. School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). April 19-23. 2021.
- Member. HKBU Council, 2014-2018.
- Member. Council of Wuhan College, 2018-
- Member. HKBU Foundation. 2011-2018.
- External Examiner. Department of Chinese Language and Culture, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master’s Programme, 2011.
- Research Fellow. Centre for Historical and Cultural Studies in Eastern Asia and Pacific Areas. Shimane University. Japan. April 2016-present.
- Local Convener of Chinese Language and Literature. Panel of Humanities, Hong Kong RAE 2014. 2013-2014.
- Fellow. Hong Kong Academy of Humanities. 2014-present.
- Member. Selection Panel of Humanities. Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Award, 2010-2012.
- Member. The Tang Prize Selection Committee. 2013-present. Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Member. The Grand Prize for Chinese Studies Selection Committee. 2013-2014. Yuelu Academy of Chinese Classics. Hunan University 2013-present.
- Consultant. Yuelu Academy of Chinese Classics. Hunan University. 2012-present.
- Adjunct Professor. School of Arts. Nanjing University. 2014-present.
- Adjunct Professor. Yuelu Academy. Hunan University. 2019-present.
- Adjunct Professor. School of Philosophy. Fudan University. 2015-present.
- Member, Selection Board. Award for Best Writings in Classical Chinese 2011. Held by Fenjiu Company of Shanxi Province, China. I was one of the five Board members in the world, and the only member from Hong Kong. April-September, 2011.
- Member. Editorial Committee. Bulletin of Hong Kong Buddhist College. 2011-present.
- Member, Editorial Board. Sino-Humanitas. HKBU. 2012-present.
- Member. Editorial Committee. Journal of Chinese Literary Studies. Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2007-present.
- Member, Early China Association. 2003-present.
Supervision of Ph.D. students at HKBU, Nanking University and UIC:
- 18 Ph.D students of HKBU
- 3 Ph.D students of Naking University
- 1 Ph.D student of UIC
- 2 Ph.D students of University of Macau.
- 1 HKPFS recipients: Mr. Richard Sage, 2016-2022.
List of Subjects taught:
- Xiamen University (2021)
o The Book of Songs and Unearthed Documents.
- UIC (2020)
o The Composition and Appreciation of Chinese Classical Poetry 古詩詞創作與欣賞. An Experiential Course in Whole Person Education Program.
- University of Zurich (2018)
o The Book of Songs: An Introduction and Selected Readings (Summer Course).
- HKBU (2000-2017)
o Learn to Write Poems in Classical Style 學寫古詩詞. A web-teaching course of HKBU, which attracted more than 10,000 viewers, November 2013-January 2014.
o CHI 2110 Shi jing 詩經 (The Classic of Poetry) elective course for CHI and none-CHI students.
o CHI 2260 Lun yu 論語 (The Analects of Confucius) elective course for CHI and none-CHI students.
o CHI 3920 Special Topics in Classical Chinese Fiction and Drama 古典小說戲曲專題, elective course for CHI and none-CHI students.
o CHI 3950 Selected Readings from Traditional Chinese Thinkers 諸子選讀:老子研究, elective course for CHI and none-CHI students.
o CHI 4070 Traditional Chinese Thought and Modern Society 中國古代思想與今日社會, elective course for CHI and none-CHI students, both postgraduate and undergraduate.
o CMED1120 Ancient Chinese Medical Prose 醫古文, core course for CMED students.
o CHI 4060 A Study of Poetry, Ritual, and Music in Ancient China 詩禮樂古史研究, elective course for CHI and none-CHI students, both postgraduate and undergraduate.
o CHI 2650 Writing of Rhyming Poems in Classical Style 韻文寫作, elective course for CHI and none-CHI students.
o CHI 1180 Classical Chinese 古代漢語, core course for CHI students and elective for none-CHI students.
- University of Macau (2017-2018)
o Advanced Study of Classical Chinese Literature.
o A Study of Literary Genres in Classical Chinese Literature.
o Selected Readings of Early Chinese Philosophical Texts.
- Nanjing University (2007, 2017)
o Sinology on Early China (Summer Course).
o Shijing and Excavated Documents (Summer Course).
- Summer School of Middlebury College (2000)
o Classical Chinese for Fifth year students.
- University of Wisconsin 1993-1996; 1999-2000
o Classical Chinese for Chinese Major and Non-Chinese Major students.
o First and Second-year Chinese.
- National University of Singapore 1996-1999
o Practical Chinese and Business Writing.
o Elementary Chinese
o Advanced Chinese.
Scholarly/ Creative/ Professional Work
Books or Monographs:
- 陳致著:《詩書禮樂中的傳統》,上海:上海人民出版社,2012年。共422頁。
Chen Zhi. The Legacy of Odes, Documents, Ritual Music. Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Publishing House, 2012. Pp.422. This is an anthology of my papers including 15 articles previously published.
- Chen Zhi. From Ritualization to Secularization: The Shaping of Book of Songs. Sankt Augustin, Germany: Monumenta Serica Institute, 2007. Pp.380.
- Chinese version: 陳致著;吳仰湘、許景昭、黃梓勇譯,《從禮儀化到世俗化:詩經的形成》 (英譯中),上海:上海古籍出版社,2009年。共363頁。
- Japanese version: 陳致著;湯浅邦弘監訳;湯城吉信,古賀芳枝,草野友子,中村未来訳《詩經の形成》,東方書店,2023年6月。
- Chen Zhi, comp. Chen Zhi and Lai Hon Kit, annotators. Series of Newly Annotated Classics: Book of Odes.《新視野中華經典文庫‧詩經》Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Publishing House, 2015. Pp.520.
Book Chapters:
- “The Rite of Yinzhi (Drinking Celebration) and Poems Recorded on the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips”. In Chen Zhi, ed. In Between the Lines: The Narration of Ancient China. A Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William H. Nienhauser. Leiden: Brill, 2023. Forthcoming.
- Chen Zhi & Sage, Richard. “The Aesthetics in Early Chinese Mind”. In Jack Chan, Lisa Indraccolo & and ed. A Cultural History of Chinese Literature. Vol.1 Chapter 5. Leiden: Brill, 2023. Forthcoming.
- Chen Zhi & Qiao Yiwen. “Revisiting the Date of Dao De Jing in Light of Guodian Manuscript.” In Liu Xiaogan and Yuan Ai, eds. Dao Companion to the Philosophy of the Dao De Jing. Springer, 2023. Forthcoming.
- Chen Zhi and Guo Qianmeng. “An Introduction of Shijing, the Book of Odes.” In Zhang Zhenjun ed. Springer, 2023. Forthcoming.
- 陳致、蔡佳茵:〈從家學到官學:清代四川科舉與經學之衍變〉。收入陳致、徐興無主編:《倪豪士教授八十華誕慶賀文集》,南京:南京大學出版社,2023。
- 陳致: 《新見父乙尊銘試釋》。收入清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心編: 《半部學術史,一個李先生:李學勤先生學術成就與學術思想國際研討會論文集》,頁435-447, 2021年4月。北京:清華大學出版社。
- Chen Zhi. “Biographical Genres and Biography: The Case of Yan Zun 嚴遵”. Invited by Prof. Joachim Gentz (University of Edinberg). Monica JUNEJA and Barbara MITTLER, eds. China and World-World and China Vol. 1 “Transcultural Perspectives on Pre-modern China. OSTASIEN Verlag, 2019. Pp. 67-82.
- 「論三壽與參壽」。收入《林慶彰教授七十華誕論文集》,2018年7月。台北:萬卷樓圖書出版有限公司。
- Chen Zhi and Nicholas Williams. “The content and structure of the Book of Odes”. Invited by Prof. Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (University of Tubingen) Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (ed.), The Homeric Epics and the Chinese Book of Songs: Foundational Texts Compared, Newcastle upon Tyne (Cambridge Scholars Publishing), 2017. Pp. 255-282.
- Chen Zhi. “A Reading of ‘Nuo’ (Mao 301) in light of bronze inscriptions: some English translations of the Book of Songs revisited.” In Lin Ching-chang and Christian Sophel, eds. Orthodox and School of Thought: The Transformation of Confucian Canons. Taipei: Wan-chuan-lou, 2013. Pp. 359-388.
- 陳致著:〈「日居月諸」與「日就月將」:早期四言詩與祭祀禮辭釋例──詩經與金文中成語(四)〉,收入陳致主編:《中國古代詩歌傳統與文本研究》,北京:中華書局,2013年。頁148-177。轉載於復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心,網址:。
Chen Zhi. “‘Riju yuezhu’ and ‘rijiu yuejiang’: A study of early tetra-syllabic verse and sacrificial prayers in early China”. In Chen Zhi, ed Legacy of Poetry and Textual Studies in Ancient China. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2013. Pp.148-177.
- 陳致著:〈詩經與金文中成語釋例(五):「不競」「不僭」與「不顯」「不時」〉,收入陳致主編:《簡帛.經典.古史》,上海古籍出版社,2013年,頁422-444。
Chen Zhi. “The idiomatic expressions in the Book of Odes and the bronze inscriptions (5)”. In Chen Zhi, ed. Bamboo Strips, Silk Writing, Classics and Early China. Shanghai: Classics Publishing House, 2013. Pp.422-444.
- 陳致著:〈從《周頌》與金文中成語的運用來看古歌詩之用韻及四言詩體的形成〉,收入陳致主編:《跨學科視野下的詩經研究》,上海古籍出版社,2010年,頁17-59。轉載於復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心:。
Chen Zhi. “The rime and meter of the ‘Odes of Zhou’ section and bronze inscriptions, and the shaping of the tetra-syllable verse in early China.” Chen Zhi, ed. Papers on Interdisciplinary Study of the Book of Odes. Shanghai: Classics Publishing House, 2010. Pp.17-59.
- 陳致著:〈釋「紓」〉,第二十一届古文字研究國際學術研討會,台灣東吳大學中文系,古文字學會合辦,2010年4月30日。收入《第二十一届古文字研究國際學術研討會論文集》,台北:萬卷樓,2010年,頁565-586。
Chen Zhi: “On the etymology of ‘Shu’.” 21st International Conference on Paleography. Department of Chinese Literature. Soochow University. In Collection of Papers on the 21st International Conference on Paleography. Taipei: Wan-chuan-lou Publishing House, 2010. Pp.565-586.
- 陳致:〈古金文學與詩經文本的考釋研究〉,收入勞悅强、梁秉賦編《經學的多元脈絡-文獻、動機、義理、社群》,臺北:學生書局,2008年,頁289-332。
Chen Zhi. “Traditional inter-textual scholarship on bronze inscriptions and philological study of the Book of Odes in ancient China.” In Lo Yuet Keung and Leung Ping Fok, eds. The Manifold Paths of the Classical Studies. Taipei: Hsueh-sheng Publishing House, 2008. Pp.289-332.
- Chen Zhi and William H. Nienhauser, Jr., trans. "Hereditary Household of T'ai-po of Wu" 〈吳太伯世家〉 with comprehensive annotations. In William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed. Grand Scribe's Records Vol. 5.1: The Hereditary Houses of Pre-Han China, Part I (Chinese-English) 《史記漢以前的世家》. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006. Pp.1-30.
- 陳致:〈殷人鳥崇拜研究〉(尚飛譯),《旅外中國學者人文研究論叢》,上海:上海文藝出版社,2002年,214-235。
Chen Zhi. "A Study of the Bird Cult of the Shang People" (Revised Version in Chinese, Shang Fei trans.). In Renwen Zhongguo 人文中國 (A Collection of Papers in Humanities by Oversea Chinese Scholars). Shanghai: Shanghai Wenyi Publishing House, 2002, 214-235.
- Chen Zhi. "Chang Lei"(張耒). In Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, vol. 2. William H. Nienhauser, Jr., ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998. Pp.1-3.
- Chen Zhi. "Nine-monk Style"(九僧體). In Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, vol. 2. William H. Nienhauser, Jr., ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998. Pp.16-18.
- Chen Zhi. "Po Style"(白體). In Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, vol. 2. William H. Nienhauser, Jr., ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998. Pp.122-123.
- Chen Zhi. "Sung Ch'i" (宋祁). In Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, vol. 2. William H. Nienhauser, Jr., ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1998. Pp.151-154.
- Making America: The Society and Culture of the United States (English-Chinese) 《美國特性探索: 美國社會與文化》. Co-translator "Preface," "Introduction," "From Immigration to Acculturation" 〈從移民到文化移植〉 by Arthur Mann, "Civil Disobedience in American Political Thought" 〈美國政治思想中的不服從主義〉 by John P. Diggins, "American Philosophy" 〈美國的哲學〉 by Moray Murphey. Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House, 1992.
- Lectures on System Philosophy 《拉茲洛哲學演講集》 by Ervin Laszlo (English-Chinese) Co-translator "Cybernetics in an Evolving Social System toward an Evolutionary Philosophy," "Ψ-universe: the Farther Horizon, " "The Objective of Mankind." Beijing: China Social Sciences Publishing House, 1991.
Journal Publications
- 陳致:「清華簡(伍) 《湯處於湯丘》《湯在啻門》《殷高宗問於三壽》三篇札記」。收入李學勤、艾蘭、呂德凱主編: 《清華簡研究(第三輯)》》,2019年12月。上海:中西書局。
- 陳致:〈海昏侯墓所見子允父乙卣試釋〉,《江西師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版)》,第49卷第5期(2016年9月)。頁7-15。
- 陳致:〈逍遙與舒遲:從連綿詞的幾種特殊用法看傳世與出土文獻的解讀〉,《簡帛研究》,2015年春夏季號。頁1-14。Chen Zhi. “Xiaoyao and shuchi: special uses of alliterative and rhyming binomes in the transmitted and excavated documents.” Jianbo yanjiu (Study of Bamboo and Silk) Spring and Summer, 2015. Pp. 1-14.
- 陳致:〈詩經新視野〉,《國學新視野》,2015年秋季號。頁27-38。Chen Zhi. “New Horizons on the Study of Shijing.” Jianbo yanjiu (Study of Bamboo and Silk) Spring and Summer, 2015. Pp. 1-14.
- 陳致:〈讀周公之琴舞札記〉,《清華簡研究》,第二輯,2015年。頁33-40。Chen Zhi. “Some notes on the ‘dance accompanied by strings of Duke of Zhou’ in Tsinghua bamboo strip writings.” Qinghuajian yanjiu (Study of the Tsinghua Bamboo Strips) Vol. 2, 2015. Pp. 33-40.
- 陳致:〈赤紵紱與彼交匪紓〉,《古文字研究》,第三十輯,2014年。頁514-521。Chen Zhi. “On the red silk pendant and the line of ‘bijiaofeishu’ in ‘Caishu’ poem of Shijing.” Guwenzi yanjiu (Paleography) Vol. 30, 2014. Pp. 514-521. This paper is revised from en earlier version presented in the title of “On the etymology of ‘Shu’.” 21st International Conference on Paleography. Department of Chinese Literature. Soochow University. In Collection of Papers on the 21st International Conference on Paleography. Taipei: Wan-chuan-lou Publishing House, 2010. Pp.565-586.
- 陳致:〈釋「允」與「㽙」〉,《饒宗頤國學院院刊》第一輯,香港中華書局,2014年。頁135-160。Chen Zhi. “On the decipherment of characters ‘yun’, ‘yun’ and ‘jun’ in bronze inscriptions.” Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology vol.1. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Publishing House, 2014. Pp. 135-160.
- 陳致:〈清華簡《周公之琴舞》中「文文其有家」試解〉,清華大學《出土文獻》第3輯(2013),頁41-47。Chen Zhi. “An interpretation of the line of “wenwen qi youjia” in the ‘dance accompanied by strings of Duke of Zhou’ in Tsinghua bamboo strip writings.” Excavated Documents vol.3(2013). Pp.41-47.
- 陳致:〈清華簡所見古飲至禮與古佚詩試釋〉,清華大學《出土文獻》第1輯(2010),頁1-30。Chen Zhi. “The rite of ‘Drinking Ceremony’ and an explanation of the lost poem as seen on Tsinghua Bamboo Strips.” Excavated Documents vol.1(2010). Pp.1-30.
- 陳致:〈《大雅.文王》篇所見詩經異文與金文成語零釋〉,蔣寅、張伯偉主編,《中國詩學》,第14輯(2010),頁44-65。Chen Zhi. “Textual variants in the ‘King Wen’ poem and the contemporary bronze inscriptions.” In Chinese Poetics vol.14(2010). Pp.44-65.
- 陳致:〈「不吳不敖」與「不侃不忒」:《詩經》與金文中成語零釋〉,刊於《古典文獻研究》第13輯,2010年,頁4-19。初稿為〈詩經與金文中成語(一)〉,始發表於2009年1月17日香港中文大學主辦之〈古道照顏色:先秦兩漢古籍研究國際學術研討會〉,刊於復旦大學出土文獻與古文字研究中心網頁。Chen Zhi. “‘buyu buao’ and ‘bukan bute’: some new interpretations of these terms in Book of Odes and bronze inscriptions.” Research Papers on Classical Documents vol. 13 (2010). Pp.4-19.
- Chen Zhi. “A Reading of ‘Nuo’ (Mao 301): Some English Translations of the Book of Songs Revisited.” CLEAR (Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews) 30 (2008), pp. 1-7.
- 陳致:〈清代詩經異文考釋研究〉,香港:香港大學中文系,《東方文化》,第41卷第2期(2008),頁1-56。Chen Zhi. “The Qing scholarship on textual variants of the Book of Odes.” Oriental Studies (University of Hong Kong) 41.2 (2008). Pp.1-56.
- 陳致:〈萬舞與庸奏:商代祭祀樂舞與詩經中的頌〉,《中華文史論叢》2008年第4期,上海古籍出版社,頁23-47。Chen Zhi. “The dance of Wan and the Yong performance: Ritual music of the Shang dynasty and the three sections of ‘Hymns’ in the Book of Odes.” Research Papers on Chinese Literature and History 2008.4. Pp.23-47.
- 陳致:〈晚明子學與制義考〉,《諸子學刊》第1期(2007年),上海:上海古籍出版社,頁383-420。Chen Zhi. “The study of early Chinese philosophers and civil service examination in late Ming.” Journal of Early Chinese Philosophers vol.1 (2007). Pp.383-420.
- 陳致:〈清代中晚期制義中的漢宋之别:以劉顯曾硃卷為例〉,《傳統中國研究集刊》第2期(2006年12月),405-426。Chen Zhi. “The examination paper of Liu Xianzeng: a study of the schools of Han and Song in Mid- and Late Qing.” Journal of Studies of Traditional China vol. 2 (2006). Pp.405-426.
- 陳致:〈從劉顯曾、劉師蒼硃卷看儀徵劉氏的先世、科舉與學術〉,《南京曉莊學院學報》第3期(2006年5月),68-81。收入《中國人民大學報刊複印資料》《明清史》2006年第3期。Chen Zhi. “From the examination papers of Liu Xianzeng and Liu Shicang to view the kinship, examination and scholarship of the family of Liu from Yizheng of Jiangsu Province.” Journal of Academy of Xiaozhuang vol.3 (2006). Pp.68-81. Reprinted by Renmin University of China “important papers on Ming and Qing History.”
- 陳致:〈商略古今,折衷漢宋:王先謙的今文詩學〉,《湖南大學學報》第20卷第70期(2006年1月),31-43。收入朱漢民主編《清代湘學研究》(長沙:湖南大學出版社,2006),219-250。Chen Zhi. “Negotiating between the Ancient and Modern, the Han School and the Song School: Wang Xianqian’s Study of the ‘Modern Text’ of the Shi Jing”. Journal of Hunan University. 20.70 (2006). Pp. 219-250. Also In Collected Papers on Classical Studies during the Qing Dynasty in Hunan Province. Changsha: Hunan University Press, 2007.
- "From Exclusive Xia to Inclusive Zhu-Xia: The Conceptualization of Chinese Identity in Early China." Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society (Cambridge University Press) 3, Vol.14, Issue 3(Nov. 2004):185-205.
- 陳致:〈二南:南方的樂鐘與雅音〉,《國學研究》第13卷(2004),北京大學國學研究院中國傳統文化研究中心,1-39。Chen Zhi. "Nan: The Southern Bells and Elegant Music" (Chinese). Guoxue yanjiu 國學研究(Peking University) 13: 1-39.
- 陳致:〈夷夏新辨〉,《中國史研究》,中國社會科學院歷史學研究所,2004年第1期,3-22。"On Early Concepts of Yi (Barbarism) and Xia (Chineseness)" (Chinese). Zhuoguoshi yanjiu 中國史研究 (Institute of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 101(January 2004): Pp. 3-22.
- 陳致:〈從王國維《北伯鼎跋》來看商周之際的一些史事〉,《臺大歷史學報》31期(2003年6月),1-43。增訂版刊於《周勳初先生八十壽辰紀念文集》,北京:中華書局,2008年。Chen Zhi. "An Investigation of Some Historical Facts during the Shang and Zhou Transition from Wang Guowei's 'Beibo Ding Ba' (Postscript to the Vessel of the Earl of North)." Taida lishi xuebao 臺大歷史學報 (Historical Inquiry of the National Taiwan University) 31 (June 2003): Pp.1-43.
- 陳致:〈說夏與雅:宗周禮樂形成與變遷的民族音樂學考察〉,《中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊》(台灣),第19卷(2001年3月),1-53。Chen Zhi. "Magnificence and Elegantiae: An Ethno-musicological Study of the Formation and Transformation of the Ritual Music of the Zhou Dynasty". Bulletin of Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊 19 (September 2001): Pp. 1-53. Taiwan.
- 陳致:〈原孝〉,《人文中國》,第9期,香港:浸會大學,2002年,229-252。Chen Zhi. "An Etymological Inquiry into the Early Concept of the Filial Piety." Sino-Humanitas 人文中國 9 (2002): Pp. 229-252. Hong Kong.
- "A New Reading of Yen-yen, Mao 28 of the Book of Songs." T'oung Pao 85.1 (1999): 1-22. Leiden, Netherlands.
- "A Study of the Bird Cult of the Shang People." Monumenta Serica 47 (1999): 127-147. Germany.
- 陳致:〈說南:再論詩經的分類〉,《中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊》(台灣),第12卷(1998年3月),頁365-403。Chen Zhi. "A Paleographic Analysis of Nan and Its Significance in Interpreting the Rationale for the Divisions of the Sections of the Shi Jing." Bulletin of Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica 中央研究院中國文哲研究集刊 12 (March 1998): Pp. 365-403. Taiwan.
Editorial Work
- Chen Zhi, ed In Between the Lines: The Narration of Ancient China. A Festschrift in Honor of Prof. William H. Nienhauser. Leiden: Brill, 2023. Forthcoming.
- 陳致、徐興無主編:《倪豪士教授八十華誕慶賀文集》,南京:南京大學出版社,2023。
- Chen Zhi, founding Editor-in-Chief. Innovative Teaching and Learning. Hong Kong: Global Science Press, 2020. The inauguration Issue was published in October 2020.
- Chen Zhi, founding Editor-in-Chief. Old World. A Journal of Ancient Africa and Eura-Asia. Leiden: Brill, 2021. The inauguration Issue was published in June 2021.
- Chen Zhi, founding Editor-in-Chief. Ancient Languages and Civilizations book series. Leiden: Brill, 2022.
- 陳致、王玨編:《師道師說.饒宗頤卷》。北京:東方出版社,2017年。
- 陳致、孟飛、黎漢傑編:《周策縱論學書信集》上海:中華書局,2019年。581頁。Chen Zhi, Lai Hon Kit, eds. The Correspondence of T.T. Chow. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju. Pp. 581.
- Chen Zhi, Dirk Meyer, Adam Schwartz, eds. The Jao Tsung-I Library of Sinology. De Gruyter, 2018-, 5 vols.
- 陳致、黄人二主編:《殷周重器銘文彙釋叢書》,南京大學出版社,2023-。
Chen Zhi and Huang Jen-erh, eds. Series Books on the Study of the Important Bronze Inscriptions of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Nanjing: Nanking University Press, 2022-.
- 陳致主編:《饒宗頤國學院院刊》,香港:中華書局,2013-
Chen Zhi, Chief Editor. Bulletin of the Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Publishing House, 2014. Vols. 1-8.
- 陳致主編:《中國詩歌傳統與文本研究》,北京:中華書局, 2013年。共576頁。
Chen Zhi, ed Legacy of Poetry and Textual Studies in Ancient China. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2013. Pp.576.
- 陳致編:《簡帛.經典.古史》,上海:上海古籍出版社, 2013年。共450頁。
Chen Zhi, ed. Bamboo Strips, Silk Writing, Classics and Early China. Shanghai: Classics Publishing House, 2013. Pp.450.
- 陳致主編:《當代西方漢學研究集萃.中國上古史卷》(英譯中),上海:上海古籍出版社,2012年。伊沛霞(Patricia Ebrey)、姚平(Ping Yao)主編:《當代西方漢學研究集萃叢書》(共六卷)。Chen Zhi, ed. Selected Papers on Early China by Contemporary Sinologists. Shanghai: Classics Publishing House, 2012. Pp.422.
- 陳致編:《周策縱捐贈書畫集》,香港:匯智出版社,2011年。
Chen Zhi, ed. Calligraphies and Paintings in the Collection of T.T. Chow. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Limited, 2011.
- 陳致主編:《跨學科視野下的詩經研究》,上海古籍出版社,2010年。
Chen Zhi, ed. Papers on Interdisciplinary Study of the Book of Odes. Shanghai: Classics Publishing House, 2010.
- 陳致編:《周策縱舊詩存》,香港:匯智出版社,2007年。
Chen Zhi, ed. An Anthology of Poems by T. T. Chow in Classical Style. Hong Kong: Infolink Publishing Limited, 2007.
- 朱淵清、陳致總策劃:《早期中國研究叢書》(英、日譯中),上海:上海古籍出版社,2006-。
o Zhu Yuanqing and Chen Zhi, eds. Series Books on Early China by Contemporary Sinologists. 2006-present. We have published 30 books thus far by world experts in the field of early China from US, Europe, Japan, Canada and Australia, from English and Japanese into Chinese.
- 方勇主編,陳致副主編:《諸子學刊》第一至二十三輯(2006-),上海古籍出版社。
Fang Yong, ed.; Chen Zhi, Associate Editor. Journal of Early Chinese Philosophers Vols. 1-23 (2007-). Shanghai Classics Publishing House. I am one of the two founding editors.
- Editorial Board member. Jia Jinhua, ed. A Bibliography of the Ancient Chinese Books in Hong Kong (Chinese). Shanghai: Shanghai Guji, 2004.
- Editorial Board member. Edward L. Shaughnessy, Chen Wei and Li Tianhong, eds. Bamboo and Silk (English). University of Chicago and Wuhan University. 2016-present.
- Editorial Board member. Yuan Xue 原學, Vols 2-6. Beijing: Beijing Guangbo dianshi Chubanshe, 1996-2001.
- Chen Zhi. Chief Editor. A Dictionary of the Literary Allusions in Chinese Classical Poetry. Beijing: Yanshan Publishing House, 1991. Pp.820.
Invited Talks (Selected list)
- 〈《詩經》、金文與連綿詞〉,新加坡南洋理工大學《南大中華文學與文化》系列講座之21,202年7月1日。
- Invited Speaker on Tang Forum. "Reading Bronze Inscriptions: An Unveiled Side of History." "Binomes, Idioms and Tetrasyllabic Poetry in Light of Paleography. " University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. April 14-15, 2022.
- Chen Zhi. "Xiaoyao and shuchi: A Few Special Uses of Alliterative Binomes." Manuscript Studies. Queens College. Oxford University. Sept. 6, 2021.
- Chen Zhi. "Totemism and the Bird Cult of Shang People." Institute of Oriental Studies. Russian Academy of Sciences. Oct. 13, 2021.
- Invited Speaker for special lectures. "How to Read Chinese Bronze Inscriptions and Early Poetry. ""Chinese Cultural Heritage and Liberal Arts Education." "Civil Service Examination and Regulated Poetry in Late Imperial China." Ministry of Education. Beijing China. June 2021.
- 陳致:〈經典簡帛古史的研究與傳播 : 香港浸會大學饒宗頤國學院〉,「北京論壇」,北京大學、北京市教育委員會及韓國高等教育財團主辦,北京:北京大學,2019年11月1日。
- "On Ren 仁, the Character for Benevolence," Paper presented at "The Cambridge History of Ancient China: Twenty Years On." The Hong Kong Jockey Club University of Chicago Academic Complex | The University of Chicago Francis and Rose Yuen Campus in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. September 14, 2019.
- Keynote Speech. “Chinese Cultural Heritage and Liberal Arts Education.” On “Liberal Arts Education: Cross-culture Dialogue of the East and West.” School of Education and Charles Chen Foundation. Peking University, Jan. 3, 2020.
- Invited speaker for A.C. Graham Memorial Lecture. “The Hidden Binomes in Chinese Canonical Texts: Both Transmitted and Excavated.” SOAS, University of London. April 23, 2019.
- Invited speaker for A.C. Graham Memorial Lecture. “The Tetrasyllabic Poetry on Bronze Inscriptions and the Zhou Hymns.” SOAS, University of London. April 24, 2019.
- Invited Speaker. Two lectures on “Ancient Chinese Bronzes, the Book of Odes”. Shanghai Museum. Oct. 13, 2018.
- Invited Speaker. “The Shaping of the Tetra-syllabic Poetry and Bronze Inscriptions”. Queen’s College, Oxford University. Nov. 9, 2016.
- Invited Speaker. “Graduate Seminar: Ancient Chinese Bronzes with Professor Chen Zhi”. China Centre, Oxford University. Nov. 10, 2016.
- Invited Speaker. “Some Special Uses of Binomes and New Interpretations of Early Chinese Texts.” The Tang Center. Columbia University. Sept. 9, 2016.
- Invited speaker. “The newly excavated medical documents in China and Sinological studies in the West”. International Forum on traditional Chinese Medical Studies in the West. Paris, Feb. 28, 2017.
- Invited speaker. “The Odes, Idioms, Western Zhou Bronzes and the Shaping of the Tetra-syllabic Poetry in Early China”. International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, March 2, 2017.
- Invited Speaker. “On early notions of Chineseness-Barbarism and the cultural identity in ancient China and Japan早期夷夏觀念與文化認同. Izumo Forum 2016, Shimane (出雲論壇). Izumo: Shimane University, 25-26 March 2016.
- Invited speaker. “An etymological inquiry of the idea of ‘xiaoyao’ (easy wandering).” Beijing: Peking University. Oct. 17, 2014.
- Invited speaker. “Poetry writing and the civil service examinations during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).” Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. June 12, 2014.
- Invited speaker. “The Civil Service Examinations in the Sichuan Province in late Imperial China.” University of Sichuan. June 15, 2014.
- “The content and structure of the Book of Odes”. Invited by Prof. Fritz-Heiner Mutschler (University of Tubingen) to write one chapter of his book on a comparative study of the Book of Odes and Homeric Epics. A conference on “‘Cultural Texts’: The Book of Songs and Homer Compared.” Peking University, April 16, 2014. Pp.25.
- Invited Speaker. “Some reading notes on the ‘Dance with string instruments of Duke of Zhou’ chapter of the Tsinghua Bamboo Strip writings.” Wuhan: Wuhan University, April 29, 2014.
- Invited speaker and discussant. “ ‘Dance with string instruments of Duke of Zhou’ chapter of Tsinghua Bamboo Strip writings.” University of Dartmouth. Aug. 29-September 2, 2013.
- Invited Speaker. “Attempted decipherment of the line of ‘wenwen qi youjia’ in the ‘dance accompanied by strings of Duke of Zhou’ in TBS writings.”“An International Conference on Paleography 2012”, Shanghai: Fudan University. Oct. 23, 2012。Taipei: Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica. May 19, 2013.
- Invited Speaker. “On the decipherment of characters ‘yun’, ‘yun’ and ‘jun’ in bronze inscriptions.” Research Centre for Excavated Documents and Paleography. Fudan University. May 22, 2013; Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University, April 22, 2013.
- Invited Speaker. “Some formulaic expressions in the Book of Odes and bronze inscriptions.” Department of Chinese. Fudan University. Oct. 29, 2012.
- Invited Speaker. “The trendy study of early Chinese philosophies in late Ming and its impact to the Civil Service Examination.” Department of Chinese. Fudan University. Oct. 26, 2012; “Zhang Taiyan Memorial Lectures”. Academy of Chinese Classics, Hangzhou Normal University, Oct. 30, 2012.
- Invited Speaker. “The Current Craze for Traditional Chinese Culture in China” 中國當下的國學熱, Harvard University Chinese Scholars and Students Association, Cambridge: Harvard University, June 23, 2012; Association of Peking University Alumni in Hong Kong, March 9, 2013.
- Invited Speaker for Huang Yuhe Memorial Lecture Series. “A new reading of the ‘Nuo’ poem in the Book of Odes.” Department of History, Tsinghua University, April 11, 2012.
- “The performance of Yong and Section of ‘Hymn’: the sacrificial music of the Shang and Zhou dynasties and the ‘Song’ section of the Book of Odes.” School of Arts, Nanjing University, May 24, 2012. This is one of the three presentations by distinguished alumni 2012.
- “The Book of Odes and the ritual music of the Shang and Zhou dynasties.” Academy of General Education, Sun Yat-sen University, Sept. 15, 2011.
- “Idioms and poetry in bronze inscriptions.” Presented at Faculty of Arts, HKIED. Jan. 13, 2012.
- Interviews by Radio Television Hong Kong. Nov. 26, 2010, Nov. 26, 2011, Dec. 16, 2011.
- “The Classic of Songs: from the court to folk communities.” HKBU. March 5, 2011.
- “Stories about Classical Poetry.” Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. March 4, 2011. International School Foundation, March 19, 2013.
- “The rime and meter of the ‘Odes of Zhou’ section and bronze inscriptions, and the shaping of the tetra-syllable verse in early China.” Series Lectures of Eminent Scholars. Macau: Department of Chinese, Macau University, Nov. 19, 2010; Faculty of Arts, Nanjing University. July 9, 2009.
- 香港電台『文化超現代』 嘉賓:【中國經典之美】,主持:鄭培凱、馬家輝,2009年10月26日。
- “The Beauty of the Chinese Classics.” Radio Television of Hong Kong. Interviewed by Prof. Cheng Pei-kai and Dr. Ma Chia-hui. Oct. 26, 2009.
- “The Rite of Yinzhi (Drinking Celebration) and Poems Recorded on the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips”, presented at “International Symposium on Excavated Manuscripts and the Interpretation of the Book of Odes,” September 12-13, 2009. Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago. Paper available at the following webpage:
- 特别演講會〈清華簡に見える古飲至禮および古逸詩試解〉【清華簡所見古飲至禮與古佚詩試釋】,早稻田大學 (Waseda University) 中國古籍文化研究所與早稻田大學文學部中國語中國文學研究室,2009年10月24日。
- “The Rite of Yinzhi (Drinking Celebration) and Poems Recorded on the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips”, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany, July 27, 2010.
- “The changes of Civil Service Examination and classical learning in Qianlong-Jiaqing period.” Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, Oct. 8, 2009; Department of Chinese, Fudan University, June 16, 2009.
- “Who came first? Confucius or Confucians?” Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, Oct. 4, 2009; International School Foundation, Jan. 21, 2010.
- “Are the poems from ‘Airs’ folk songs?” Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong, Oct. 2, 2009.
- “On Paul Shau’s Confucius and His Time.” Social Sciences Publishing House press release at Nanjing. July 9, 2009.
- “T. T. Chow’s poems about May Fourth.” HKBU Library. May 4, 2009.
- “Textual variants in the ‘King Wen’ poem and the contemporary bronze inscriptions.” Department of Chinese, National Taiwan University. Dec. 20, 2008.
- “The world of history of Sima Qian.” Hong Kong: San Lien Books. Oct. 19, 2007.
- “Series lectures on the study of early China of Western Sinology.” School of Arts, Nanjing University. July 2-5, 2007.
- “Odes, Courtesy, Music in Ancient China.” Changsha: Yuelu Academy, Hunan University. June 25, 2007.
- “Book of Odes”. The China National Radio. January 24, 2005.
- “Yong: A Music-dance Suite and Its Transformation into the ‘Hymn’ Style of the Odes.” Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Chicago. June 7, 2004.
- “The Anthropological Approach to Totemism and Early Chinese Cults” Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Institute of Education. March 17, 2004.
- "Recasting the Early Concepts of Yi (Barbarism) and Xia (Chineseness)." Department of History, Peking University. May 7, 2001.
- "The Pre-Qin Studies in the United States of America" (Chinese) Department of History, Peking University, May 7, 2001.
- "An Etymological Inquiry into the Early Concept of the Filiality" (Chinese). Research Centre of Oriental Culture. East China Normal University. December 28, 2001.
- "The Origin and Popularity of the Chinese Breathing Exercise." Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Purdue University. October 1995.
Reviews, forewords, postscripts and interviews (Selected list)
- 陳致:「士不可以不弘毅:懷念余英時先生」,《明報月刊》,2021年9月號。
- 陳致:〈七十年代的讀書生活〉,《南方周末.文化》,2019年4月17日。
- 〈饒宗頤逝世周年 「國學熱」不過香港?〉訪問,《香港01》周報,2019年2月25日。
- 〈泰斗先後離世 國學承傳道遠〉,《文匯報》,2018年12月25日。
- 《真珠報》訪問,2018年11月15日。
- “Postscript”. In Adward Schwartz, ed. The Nivison Annals. In Chen Zhi and Dirk Meyer, eds. The Jao Tsung-I Library of Sinology Volume 1. De Gruyter, 2018.
- “Obituary” (for Jao Tsung-i), Early China 48. 2018.
- 陳致:「菁莪毓士度金針:饒公與浸大饒宗頤國學院」,《明報月刊》,2018年3月號(簡版);《國文天地》2018年5月。
- 陳致、孟飛:〈東聖西聖將無同:饒宗頤與法國漢學家〉,《東方財經》,2017年第二、三期,頁106-109。
- 陳致著:《余英時訪談錄》,北京:中華書局;香港:中華書局;台北:聯經出版有限公司,2012年,共224頁。
Chen Zhi. Interview with Yu Ying-shih. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju; Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Publishing House; Taipei: Lien-ching, 2012. Pp.224.
- Chen Zhi. Review of Li Feng Landscape and Power in Early China: The Crisis and Fall of the Western Zhou, 1045–771 BC. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Early China 33(2012). Pp.284-288.
- 陳致:〈齊思敏著《物性:早期中國的倫理與身體》書評〉,《中國文哲研究集刊》34輯,326-335,臺北:中央研究院中國文哲研究所。
Chen Zhi. Review of Mark Csikszentmihalyi Material Virtue: Ethics and the Body in Early China. By. Leiden: Brill, 2004. Bulletin of Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 34 (2010). Pp. 326-335.
- Chen Zhi. Review of Ralph Sawyer Fire and Water: The Art of Incendiary and Aquatic Warfare in China. The Cambridge University Press. Journal of Royal Asiatic Society 3.15.2 (July 2005). Pp.253-255.
- 陳致:〈序〉,黃人二著《戰國楚簡研究》,上海:上海古籍出版社,2012年。
Chen Zhi. “Foreword.” In Huang Jen-erh A Study of the Chu Bamboo Writings in Warring States. Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2012.
- 陳致:〈後記.懷念岳父陳毓羆先生〉,陳毓羆著《〈浮生六記〉研究》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,2011年,頁146-151。
Chen Zhi. “Postscript”. In Chen Yupi A Study of the Six Remarks of Floating Life. Beijing: Social Sciences Publishing House, 2011. Pp.146-151.
- 陳致:〈戰國竹簡重光──清華大學李學勤訪談錄〉,《明報月刊》,2010年第5輯,頁59-64。修訂版見〈詩史重光──李學勤訪談錄:關於清華大學所藏戰國竹簡〉,《國文天地》,26卷4期,2010.9,頁90-96。
Chen Zhi. “The discovery of the Warring States bamboo strips: an interview with Prof. Li Xueqin.” Mingpao monthly 2010.5. Pp.59-64.
- 陳致:〈《諸子學刊》發刊辭〉,《諸子學刊》第1期(2007年),上海:上海古籍出版社,頁1-4。收入中央研究院《中國文哲研究通訊》(台灣),第20卷第4期(2011),121-123。
Chen Zhi. “Foreword.” Journal of Early Chinese Philosophers vol.1(2007). Shanghai: Shanghai Classics Publishing House, 2007. Pp.1-4.
- 陳致:〈《屈大均詩學研究》序〉,董就雄:《屈大均詩學研究》,北京:學苑出版社,2009年,1-12。
Chen Zhi. “Foreword.” In Dung Chiu Hung A Study of the Poetry and Poetics of Qu Dajun. Beijing: Xueyuan Publishing House, 2009. Pp.1-12.
- 陳致:〈一致而百慮,殊途而同歸〉,《原學》,第6輯,北京:中國廣播電視出版社,1998年,頁12-24。
Chen Zhi. “An interview of William H. Nienhauser, Jr.” Scholarly pursuit vol.6 (1998). Pp.12-24.
- 陳致:〈不以有涯隨無涯,殆矣〉,《原學》,第4輯,北京:中國廣播電視出版社,1996年,頁14-32。
Chen Zhi. “An interview of Tse-tsung Chow.” Scholarly pursuit vol.4 (1998). Pp.14-32.
Research Grants and Projects
- Chen Zhi, PI. Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Foundation. Translation Project of Chinese Classics: Shijing and Guoyu. HK$2,000,000. 2021-
- Chen Zhi, PI. “English Translation of Xuantang Anthology.” The Jao Foundation grant of HK$3,500,000, 1.9. 2019-.
- Chen Zhi, PI. “Preparation of a Manuscript for a Book Series on Important Bronze Inscriptions of the Western Zhou Dynasty.” RGC grant of HK$391,500.00, 1.9. 2013-31.8.2016.
- Chen Zhi, PI and Founding Director. Work with President Albert Chan to secure more than HK$90,000,000 for Jao Tsung-I Academy of Sinology. 2013-.
- Chen Zhi, PI and Founding Director. Worked with President Albert Chan to secure HK$30,000,000 to launch the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute. 2011.
- Chen Zhi, PI. “An Examination of the Evolution of Formulaic Phrases and Poetic Forms in Western Zhou Bronze Inscriptions and the Book of Odes.” RGC grant of HK$527,000.00, 1.9. 2011-31.8.2014.
- Chen Zhi, PI. “Chronology of the Works of the Qing Scholars on Shi Jing”(清代學者詩經研究著述年表). Principal Investigator. Funded with HK$417,000.00 by CERG Research Grant, 2007.
- Chen Zhi, PI. 明清科舉制度下的家族、學術與思想 “The Lineages, Classical Studies, and Intellectual History under the Ming and Qing Examination System.” Principal Investigator. Post-doctorate research grant. HK$600,000.00. Funded by Special Fund of HKBU, September 1, 2008-August 31, 2010.
- Chen Zhi, PI. An Examination of the Evolution of Formulaic Phrases and Poetic Forms in Western Zhou Bronze Inscriptions and the Book of Odes. [FRG2/09-10/084]. Funded by FRG, HKBU, September 1, 2010-August 31, 2012.
- Chen Zhi, PI. Three Unheeded Facets of Early Chinese Literature. Principal Investigator. [FRG1/09-10/062]. Funded by FRG, HKBU, May 1, 2010-April 30, 2011.
- Chen Zhi, PI. A New Intra-lingual Translation of the "Ya" 雅 (Elegantiae) and "Sung" 頌 (Hymn) Sections of the Shi jing (Classic of Poetry) in light of Paleography. Principal Investigator. Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant. May 1, 2001-April 30, 2003.
- Chen Zhi, PI. A New Intra-lingual Translation of the "Feng" (Airs) Section of the Shi jing (Classic of Poetry) in light of Paleography. Principal Investigator. Evaluated as Fundable, but not funded by CERG Research Grant, 2002. Funded with HK$35,000 by Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant.
- Chen Zhi, PI. A Study of the Qing Scholarship on Shi jing 清代學者的詩經研究. Principal Investigator. Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant. February 1, 2004-January 31, 2006.
- Chen Zhi, PI. A Project on Revision of a Book Manuscript 書稿《從禮儀化到世俗化:詩經中的音樂研究》修訂計劃. July 1, 2007-present. Funded by Hong Kong Baptist University Faculty Research Grant [FRG/06-07/I-37].
Peer-review for the Following Academic Journals and Publishers.
- Bochum Yearbook of East Asian Studies (Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung). Germany.
- Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Association of Chinese Philosophers in America, co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, National Taiwan University, and supported by the Philosophy Department of Kutztown University).
- Bulletin of Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 《中國文哲研究集刊》(Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
- Journal of Chinese Studies 《漢學研究》(Taiwan)
- Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Cambridge University)
- Journal of Ethno-history (University of Wisconsin at Madison)
- Sino-Humanitas《人文中國》(Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Journal of Chinese Studies《中國文化研究所學報》(CUHK)
- Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture《中國哲學與文化》(CUHK)
- Journal of Chinese Literary Studies《文學論衡》(CUHK)
- Monumenta Serica (Germany)
- Tsing Hua journal of Chinese Studies 《清華學報》(Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
- Lingnan journal of Chinese Studies 《嶺南學報》(Lingnan University)
- Springer
- Brill
- De Gruyter
- Member, Knowledge Transfer Committee. HKBU, 2011-2017.
- Member, CE Chinese Language Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, 2005-2008.
- External Reviewer for appointment cases of Chair Professor, Department of Chinese, Renmin University of China, Sichuan University, Shandong University, etc.
- External Examiner. Accreditation on curricular of Master of Arts. Department of Chinese Language and Literature. CUHK. 2011-2013.
- External Examiner. Accreditation on curricular of Bachelor of Arts. Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Hong Kong Shue Yan University. 15 June 2011.
- Reviewer for research projects of University of Macau. 2009-2013.
- JIRS Fellow. The HKBU-UIC Joint Institute of Research Studies. 2009-2014, 2018-present.
- External Examiner. (Ph.D. and M. Phil. Candidates) Oral Examinations. Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2008-2017.
- External Reviewer for an appointment of Assistant Professor, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; National Chung-yang University; National University of Singapore, 2010.
- External Reviewer for promotion cases from Associate Professor to Professor, Department of Chinese, Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education; University of Macau; Lingnan University.
- External Examiner. (Ph.D. and M. Phil. Candidates) Oral Examinations. School of Graduate Studies. City University of Hong Kong. June 2006.
- External Examiner. (Ph.D. Candidate) Oral Examination. School of Graduate Studies. Macquarie University. 2013.
- External Examiner and Chairman. (M. Phil. Candidate) 8 oral examinations, 10 May 2012; 3 oral examinations, May 2011. Department of Chinese Language and Literature. East China Normal University.
- External Examiner. Curriculum of Selected Readings of Ci Poetry. Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics. City University of Hong Kong, 2007.
- Advisor, David C. Lam Institute for East West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. Mr. Bian Dongbo from Nanjing University was under my supervision from the 1st Semester of 2002 to April 2003.
- Advisor, Hong Kong Chinese Association of Tertiary Institutions. 2006-2009.
- Editor and Committee Member, The Newsletter of School of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University, 2006-2010.