[People of UIC] Lei Zihan: Growing with art and passion
[People of UIC] Zhong Peilin: A better me thanks to UIC
Road to academic success: Passion, purpose and preparation
[People of UIC] Meet Huang Kaiyuan: Never too late to change
[People of UIC] Meet Prof Pan Jianxin: Fostering interdisciplinary tale...
[People of UIC] From ideal teammates to perfect couple
[People of UIC] Lei Zihan: Growing with art and passion
[People of UIC] Zhong Peilin: A better me thanks to UIC
Road to academic success: Passion, purpose and preparation
[People of UIC] Meet Huang Kaiyuan: Never too late to change
[People of UIC] Meet Prof Pan Jianxin: Fostering interdisciplinary talents
[People of UIC] From ideal teammates to perfect couple