
[People of UIC] Yin Jiaying: UIC, HKU and Cambridge, three stations to public health sciences

Published on 19 September 2023

UIC's Class of 2022 Statistics Programme graduate Yin Jiaying was admitted to the University of Cambridge's MPhil in Population Health Sciences programme, a fruitful outcome of her four-year study at UIC. In UIC's internationally liberal arts education atmosphere and with her determination to walk further on the academic road, she managed to locate her passion and head towards it firmly.

Yin Jiaying at UIC

Yin's passion for statistics was discovered and developed in her first year. Thanks to UIC's academic regulations and teachers, she transferred to the Statistics Progamme in her second year and started participating in various scientific research work.

At the end of her second year, she managed to apply for a research assistantship with Dr Wu Jingjin. In her third year, she published her first research paper as the first author on fog computing of wireless networks at the 21st International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2021).

Yin Jiaying with her final year project supervisor Dr Wu Jingjin

To strengthen her academic abilities, she minored in Computer Science and Technology since her third year at UIC, learning about coding and algorithms. In her final year at UIC, Yin participated in the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modelling (CUMCM). Her team won the national second and first prizes in Guangdong Province.

Yin's extracurricular time was colourful. She joined an interest club named UIC Enactus, acted as a student representative and leader in multiple school organisations, and became well-recognised.

Yin Jiaying as a student tutor at UIC's PGCC

After graduating from UIC as a scholarship winner and first place in her programme, Yin went to the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and studied public health there.

During her student life at HKU, she learned public health's basic principles and fundamentals and the required research methods. Besides, she successfully applied for a research assistantship at school and published a paper on rheumatism with other co-authors in an international academic journal, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

Yin Jiaying in Hong Kong

With her solid accumulation in epidemiology and public health, she gradually realised that advanced statistical methods and data science techniques could potentially revolutionise biomedical research to improve public health outcomes. Therefore, she decided to apply for the MPhil in Population Health Sciences programme of the University of Cambridge and finally got admitted with another student of UIC's Statistics Programme, Peng Yawei.

When referring to the future, Yin said she prepared to pursue a doctoral degree and hoped to focus on searching for more effective public health intervention options.


Reporter: Cecilia Yu

Photos provided by the interviewees

Editor: Deen He

Updated on 25 September 2023