Professor Xu Baojun of UIC's Faculty of Science and Technology has recently been admitted as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).

FRSC was established in 1841 and is a chemical academic society with the most extended history in the world and the most significant impact in Europe. It is one of the most influential international authoritative academic institutions. Its members include nearly 80 Nobel Prize winners, and they are invited to nominate Honorary Fellows every five years who are distinguished in the science or profession of chemistry.

Prof Xu Baojun
Prof Xu Baojun is a Zhuhai Scholar Distinguished Professor, a Chair Professor and a Department Head of Life Sciences at UIC. He serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief of Food Research International, Food Science and Human Wellness, and Food Frontiers. He has been selected as one of the world’s top 2% scientists by Stanford University on the sub-lists of career-long impact and single-year impact for three consecutive years, and named to the top 100,000 scientists globally in 2022 and to the list of top biological and biochemical scientists in the world in 2023.
Reporter: Cecilia Yu
Editor: Deen He