
The 68th donor, UIC grad makes lifesaving donation

Published on 4 July 2024

Zhou Siyu, a fresh graduate of UIC's Faculty of Business and Management, made a significant donation of blood stem cells at the Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University on 20 June 2024. The successful collection of 387 ml in around five hours made Zhou Siyu the 17,811th donor in China and the 68th in Zhuhai (the 10th case this year) of blood stem cells.

Zhou Siyu receives a certificate from the Red Cross

"I owe my deepest gratitude to my parents for their unwavering support," said Zhou. "I'm also thankful for all the encouragement from teachers, classmates and friends." He views his donation as an extraordinary graduation gift and his lifelong commitment to giving back to society.

Since his first year at UIC, Zhou has actively participated in voluntary blood donations organised by the school and donated blood seven times, totalling 2800 ml. When asked if he would be willing to join the China Marrow Donor Programme during his second year, he agreed without hesitation, "I want to help others."

Zhou Siyu has participated in blood donations actively

In February 2024, when informed by the Red Cross Society of Zhuhai that he was preliminarily matched with a patient suffering from a blood disease, Zhou readily agreed to donate despite being busy preparing his thesis defence, internships and Chinese university rugby championship.

After over four months of preparation, Zhou was admitted to the hospital and donated the stem cell, bringing hope to the patient. In addition to saving his life, he said, "I hope to persuade more young people to this safe and meaningful action."

Zhou Siyu with the Red Cross at the hospital

From MPRO, Boai Zhuhai

Reporter: Cecilia Yu

Editor: Deen He

Updated on 5 July 2024