
encore for “Legend”

Published on 5 June 2012


UIC’s original musical “Legend” premiered at the end of 2011 to an enthused audience.

On May 2, “Legend” was performed again at UIC.

20120605-133234.jpgAssociate Vice President Wendy Chan gave an opening speech


The venue was fully packed with an excited audience, part of them stood at both sides of the hall throughout the show.

"Legend” reflected what second year CTV student Jonathan Au believes in life: “If you have a dream, you should make it come true no matter how hard it takes.”

He wrote the script, songs, lyrics, and starred in the musical.

appealing costume and acting of Siren the witch

"Legend” depicted the story of Lance, a sailor who encountered a shipwreck schemed by Siren the witch. Villagers of the island “Homeshire” saved him and he fell in love with Chief’s daughter Cassidy later on. Siren then cast a plague on them, which killed many villagers.

The musical has plenty of wonderful scenarios with lovely songs and beautiful dances. A new scene was added to praise the great love between Lance and Cassidy.

In the finale, villagers overcame Siren’s curses and everyone danced and sang to the bright future ahead.

Spectators gave a tremendous applause, which brought tears and joy to all performers.

20120605-133804.jpgSupervisor Sandra Lau thanked the spectators for coming to the show and appreciated team members for their dedication.


The second showing of UIC’s first musical “Legend” was a huge success.


editor: Sze Ying Cheong
(from WPEO Arts Centre)


Updated on 8 September 2020