
Hall Day Forum with President Ng

Published on 23 February 2012


On February 15, the first Hall Day Forum was held in the Staff and Student Activities Centre. This forum focused on the theme of "How to map your career path and achieve your life goal". It was organized by the Excellent Education Hall year- four students.

Students and faculty joined hands to sing
Participating students wore gowns for the first time

The Forum went forth in a casual way. President Ng pointed out the sharp transformation of contemporary society, and its diversified employment needs. He suggested students should take a serious attitude toward their chosen area and stay with it. In the end, it will pay off.

President Ng shared personal experience on mapping a career path

Three year-four students from different divisions shared their experience about pursuing a career. Iris Zhu said: "UIC opened the door of science for me; Whole Person Education helps me to be a different person." Micky Mai, from International Journalism was determined to become a political reporter."Critical thinking, experience in media industry, and good interpersonal skills are three essential elements of being a good journalist", she said.

Micky's aspiration was to be a journalist
Miss Sun Fang on her experience after graduating

Alumni guest Miss Sun Fang shared with us: "After college, you should make a career plan and stick to your dream. You won't regret it because you have tried."


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 Zhan Liang from Applied Economics raised a question


 Speaking out freely during Q&A, the atmosphere was relaxed and warm


Cui Shumian from Teaching English as a Second Language asked
President Ng an important question
Rainy Chen, representative of the Excellent Education Hall
presented Hall Album to the President
Julia from the Excellent Education Hall performed

In the second part of the forum, SAO announced an Opinion Survey on Career Success. Prof. Chung, Dean of Division of Science and Technology, emphasized professionalism and integrity, two qualities that were essential for success in any career.

At the last section of this forum, students and teachers sang songs Friendship and
Auld Lang Syne together to commemorate their precious friendship in 4 years
From the left to the right, Dr. Shawn Tang, warden of the Global Education Hall,
Pro. Johnston Huang, warden of the Excellent Education Hall, Dr. Maggie Tang,
warden of the Innovative Education Hall 2, Dr. Bonny Yuen, Scientific Education Hall
and Dr. Lee Hock Ming, Liberal Education Hall, Innovative Education Hall 1 and 3, participated Hall Day Forum enthusiastically.

The next Hall Day Forum will be held on February 22, Global Education Hall and Innovative Education Hall students will participate.


Reporter: Sun Ruoyu, Huang Wanli
Photo: Lin Zhanheng, Yu Zizhen, Wei Shen, Chen Gong
Translator: Chen Yutai
Editor: Areal Li
Video: Lu Mang
(From Media and Public Relations Office)


Updated on 8 September 2020