
DBM Research Project Gained Fund from Ministry

Published on 27 February 2012


Division of Business and Management (DBM)‘s research project “Green supply chain: reducing carbon emissions in logistics” conducted by Dr. Shawn TANG and Prof. Stella CHO of DBM gained partial funding from the 2012 Research Development Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Program of the Ministry of Education (HSSPME). This was the first time for UIC to be awarded the fund since its registration as a supporting institution in 2011.

Dr. Shawn TANG and Prof. Stella CHO

The HSSPME Projects cover the majority or part of projects in humanities, social sciences, philosophy economics and management. In 2012 only 10% of applications are successful.

Dr. Shawn TANG, Assistant Professor of DBM, indicated that preliminary work was done with funding from the UIC Research Centre.

Prof. CHO, Dean of DBM, said many DBM teachers hold the potential for research, and they do get encouragement and support from the division. Now, over 10 DBM projects are supported by UIC, and the division is also looking for external financial aid.

A new round of application for Research Development Fund will begin in March 2012. Since this fund is open to faculty members of all nationalities, foreign teachers are encouraged to make use of the opportunity.

Reporter: Cheryl Chen
Translator: Huang Miaojun
Photo: Cheryl Chen
Editor: Echo Li
(From MPRO)


Updated on 8 September 2020