
Faculty Professional Development Mechanism Being Established at UIC

Published on 28 October 2011


UIC offers professional development opportunities to teachers on a wide range of topics, which aims at enhancing their knowledge of educational theories and pedagogical skills, and sharing teaching experience, so as to continuously improve the quality of teaching and learning. At the present stage, faculty professional training is conducted in the form of Teaching and Learning(T&L) workshops.

In 2010-2011, with the support of Centre for HolisticTeaching and Learning at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and Prof. Edmond Ko, Director of Centre for Engineering Education Innovation at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, UIC successfully held 7 T&L workshopson “Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning”, “Engaging Pedagogy”, “Assessment and Assessment Rubrics”, “Development and Assessment of Teamwork Skills”,“E-Learning and E-Assessment”, etc. This academic year, a number of trained UIC faculty members with rich experience are playing a leading role in providing T&L workshops to UIC teachers.

The first training of T&L workshops in Augsburg

In addition to the T&L workshops, a Joint Faculty Professional Development Institute (the Institute) was inaugurated at Augsburg College (US) in June 2011. The Institute was jointly founded by Minnesota Private College Council (MPCC) based in the US, HKBU and UIC, and is led together by Prof. Diane Pike of Augsburg College, Dr. Eva Wong, Director of Centrefor Holistic Teaching and Learning at HKBU, and Dr. Wendy Chan, Associate Vice-Presidentof UIC. It provides a platform for faculty development, experience sharing and conducting joint research on teaching and learning among the participating institutions. UIC teachers who received training at the Institute are expected to assist the College in its future faculty development initiatives.

During 20th-23rd June 2011, the first faculty professional development programme of the Institute was completed at Augsburg College. Eight selected UIC faculty members, one from each of the teaching units, attended the programme where they received training and exchanged views with the MPCC and HKBU participants around topics on “Understanding Higher Education: China and the US”, “Understanding Student Motivation for Learning:China and the US”, “Understanding Liberal Education”, “Classroom Teaching”, “Engaging Pedagogy”, “Assessing Students”, etc. The second faculty professional development programme of the Institute will be held from 14th to 17th November at UIC and HKBU. 

Contributor: Lester Li(QAO)
Editor: Echo Li


Updated on 8 September 2020