
The 4th Inaugural Ceremonies for Student Organizations

Published on 31 March 2011


"I swear, as an office bearer of student associations, I will do my best to serve and contribute to the benefits of the members of the association in which I am elected as well as the wellness of all students, staff and teachers in the community of UIC." About 130 student leaders from UIC Student Union, Student Assembly, Hostel Association and professional societies were taking an oath of office under the supervision of UIC vice president Prof. Zhang Cong at the 4th Inaugural Ceremonies for Student Organizations on March 24th evening.  

Prof. Ng Chingfai, UIC President; Prof. Edmund Kwok, Executive Vice President; Prof. Johnston Huang, Director of SAO; Dr. Guo Haipeng, Director of WPEO and programme coordinators were also in attendance.

Prof. Ng made an opening address. He emphasized the importance of the value of Servant Leadership. He said that to be a successful leader, one had to consider the interest of the people who you serve first. Prof. Ng encouraged students to learn different kinds of things during the course of serving the staff and students.


Prof. Kwok also made a theme speech to the student leaders. He said it might be the last time he made a speech to so many students as the Executive Vice President. During the speech, he shared with students some of the most fundamental things in life, and about setting a clear vision and mission for one's undertaking.    He said it was very hard to build up UIC at the very beginning, but the vision and mission of UIC are clear, so that the college could walk bravely through the difficulties. And the fundamental quality of a leader is to love, care and concern for others.

20110331-002.jpgAn Yingzhao, the new Chairman of the Student Union Executive Committee said he benefited a lot from Prof. Ng and Prof. Kwok's speeches. He revealed that he and his colleagues would try to serve and solve some of the practical problems that occurred during students' study and life at UIC. The coming debating contest addressing the GPA system and dormitory visiting regulations will be the first activity they hold for the betterment of the college and students. He hoped that UIC students would support their job as well.  




Reporter: Pan Wanhua
Editor: Richard Xu


Updated on 8 September 2020