After careful planning and preparation, and with the kind support and assistance of the Beijing parent counsellors, the UIC Beijing Parents' Club was founded at 2pm on October 20th. The Founding Conference was held in the auditorium of the Beijing Communication Company. UIC Executive Vice President Prof. S.K. Kwok (Guo Shaotang), Deputy Chief of Development Li Ningning, Deputy Director of International Development Office Michael James, and other UIC leaders, plus more than one hundred UIC parents, attended this grand gathering.
Aside from the declaration and celebration of the foundation of the UIC Beijing Parents' Club, other events included the announcement of the establishment of the UIC Beijing Parent Advisory Committee Executive Board, with the naming of its members; presentation of Board Credentials to each board member by UIC president; introduction to the background, philosophy, and responsibilities of the club by a parent representative; reading of the letter to UIC and President S.T. Kwok by a parent representative; reading of the letter to all UIC students by a Beijing parent representative; a speech by a parent representative of freshmen; the outline of the UIC International Exchange and study abroad program; as well as news and outline of recent Four Points development.
During the conference, parents and school personnel exchanged ideas and communicated frankly. The parents acknowledged their appreciation of UIC's Four Points Education philosophy and their willingness to share responsibility for UIC education. Notable was the letter of appreciation written to UIC and President Kwok by Beijing parent representative Ms. Wang Xiaoying, who expressed the parents' sincere love for the school, their deep understanding and support of UIC's educational program and philosophy. It inspired all who were there. Chairman of Executive Board Mr. Hong Zhong, father of a freshman, also gave a speech. His passionate words and feelings deeply touched and strengthened us again. Finally, in Vice Chairman Ms. Pang Kunrong's reading of her letter to all UIC students, her yearning between words, her affection and her hopeful expectations for the young touched the softest part of all parents' souls.
At the request of the parents, a special discussion about UIC's study abroad program was held, where their most important questions were answered directly. The parents also offered many constructive ideas which will play a crucial role in the development of UIC's Four Points Education.
The two hour conference passed swiftly, ending in a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere. Its rich content had an obvious effect on all. Furthermore, the parents also presented an inspiring slogan as the motto of the Beijing Parents' Club. The foundation of the Beijing Parents' Club opened the door for the project of Four Points Education Network. The educational tree of Four Points bore a string of fragrant fruits in the golden autumn of Beijing. Meanwhile, the deep love and high expectation from the parents made them realize the heavy responsibility they bear. The goal of building a "first class school acknowledged by students, families, and society" is not only the parents', but also the wish of UIC staff. The responsibility is serious and the road is long, but with the parents' full participation and support, and a united effort from teachers, students, families, and the nation, such a fine wish will one day come true.
"LET US STRIVE TO BUILD UIC TOGETHER!", the inspiring slogan and motto of the parents' club, was presented by an earnest Beijing parent. It is a true portrait of the parents' inner feelings. In conclusion, I'd like to borrow a small space to express my personal respect and sincere thanks to all UIC parents who are concerned and supportive of the school!
{mospagebreak title=Speech on the Founding Conference of UIC Beijing Parents' Club Moive of Conference&heading=News}
Speech on the Founding Conference of UIC Beijing Parents' Club
Hong Zhong
Honorable Professor Kwok,
Dear Parents and Guests,
Good afternoon! Entrusted by the Executive Board of the UIC Beijing Parents' Club, I'd first like to express my heartfelt thanks and welcome for your presence.
Beijing is already clear and cool in October, but in Zhuhai, UIC makes it possible for our children to enjoy the warmth of spring. This warmth and UIC's Four Points Education allows us to be connected, inspired, and gathered here today.
As the father of a freshman, I am still touched by the scenes of Sept. 4th , when I took my child to UIC in the rain. The student volunteers were so helpful. They led us around the campus, held umbrellas over us, and when asked about their life at UIC, their faces damp with rain and sweat showed deep pride. All this was comforting to parents who worried so beforehand. I attended two UIC symposia, listened to President Kwok's sincere introduction, and understood the secret: UIC not only teaches knowledge from books, but also fosters students as human beings. Recently, while attending to club matters, I was more closely in touch with President Kwok, and was deeply touched by his precise working style, his conscientious attitude toward the nation and higher education, and his modest manner of dealing with people. I was especially impressed by his concern for China's educational future. His clear thoughts on UIC's development convinced me he is an educator of virtue, knowledge, bravery, and innovative spirit.
Parents should know their children best. Yet today's students enjoy many advantages we did not. But we also know that children from one-child families need to learn sharing and cooperation; they need to demonstrate their knowledge in a brutal examination-oriented education system, to become mentally mature in a bad social atmosphere, to temper themselves in hard surroundings since they are from advanced Beijing families. UIC has proposed that the college, students, parents, and society should join to educate and cultivate students from four aspects and train them into useful talents for society. This is why society and parents are calling for educational reform.
Parents play an important role in Four Points Education. Today, the establishment of such a club offers a platform for parents to be involved in higher education, hence making it convenient for them to contact, communicate, and cooperate with the school to better serve student thought, learning, and life. On this platform, each parent should feel responsible and concerned.
Even though UIC started on a high level, it has only three years' history. It is still on the first steps and may face all kinds of difficulties. We parents are from different fields, and many of us are successful in our careers. Since we are living in the capital and have connections with many powers, we should help to contact news media and presses, communicate with government, raise funds, arrange for famous people to visit the school, assist with matters in Beijing, arrange for student internships and job placement. All this will help solve practical problems for the school, promote its development, and help it become a first-class college acknowledged by students, parents, and society.
Each of our families is a network, and all 80 will together form a big LAN. If all students' families are united, we'll have a super interlinked network.
At today's conference, 16 of our parents become members of the first session of the Executive Board and parent counselors recognized by UIC. This organization is centered on a common philosophy which serves us all. The Secretary-General of the Executive Board will keep in touch with us. We hope to receive support from the school, and from each of you.
Our club is based on parents' enthusiastic participation, and our joint responsibility for students, school, and society. We will rely on consultation with UIC's Four Points Education Office in order to bring the Whole Person Educational philosophy into effect. We will fully cooperate with UIC's Beijing club to realize our common goal.
In conclusion, I'd like to present our club's slogan, recommended by a warmhearted parent, and also written on today's theme board:
Thank you!
{mospagebreak title=Moive of Conference}
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Coming soon!
{mospagebreak title=A Letter of Thanks to UIC President Kwok from the Beijing Parents}
A Letter of Thanks to UIC President Kwok from the Beijing Parents
Honorable President Kwok,
As parents of UIC students, when the Beijing Parents' Club is being founded at this golden autumn moment, we wish to express our deep respect and sincere thanks to President Kwok, for his leadership and ceaseless efforts on UIC's new educational ideas, educational model, and overall development.
UIC's new education model of "Whole Person Education" including Language, Experiential Development, Voluntary Service, Physical Culture, Environmental Consciousness, Culture and Arts, Emotional Maturity, Adversity Quotient and "full use of school, family and social resources centered on students" created a new path for China's higher education. This is basically why we send our children here. Our attention is drawn to UIC's unique philosophy of school management and its all-English teaching. UIC's practical successes will surely influence and lead China's future higher-education reforms.
For two years, we have witnessed President Kwok exerting his utmost effort for UIC's growth and development. His pure-heartedness has been evident in all phases, including contacting domestic and international universities for cooperation, designing its beautiful campus, raising funds for construction, completing detailed campus reports, participating in recruitment meetings to fulfill student quotas, listening to parents' advice, as well as solving many practical problems for students.
In this short time, we've already seen our children change through UIC's education. Their enthusiasm and learning capabilities have risen; they've grown more responsible toward society and the nation; they've become more concerned about family, friends and classmates; they've also learned independence and the strength to conquer difficulties. We are gratified that our children can enter such a school. UIC is still a thriving new institution and needs to be completed in many aspects. But we believe cooperation between students, parents and the college will effectively promote UIC's progress. We expect UIC's new ideas will bear plentiful and substantial fruit.
In conclusion, please convey our respects to Board Chairman Xu Jialu, President Wu Qinghui, and all the UIC staff, without whose effort and support UIC would not have been born and steadily developed. All UIC students and parents are deeply grateful.
{mospagebreak title=An Open Letter to President Kwok from UIC's Beijing Parents }
An Open Letter to President Kwok from UIC's Beijing Parents
Honorable President S.T. Kwok,
Most of our children, unable to enter China's famous universities, chose UIC for its double diploma, all-English system, and international education program, though its tuition is high and UIC is not yet widely known.
During the freshmen parents' symposium last year, you explained in person UIC's new ideas such as Whole Person Education, Four Points Philosophy, Experiential Learning, and Adversity Quotient. We were much inspired, but at the same time worried.
Are these ideas simply used on the surface as advertising to recruit students?
When will these fine ideas be realized in the management system?
Will UIC, the newborn baby, grow steadily and healthily?
All year long we've been watching each movement of UIC.
We have seen the eight aspects in Whole Person Education--Language, Experiential Development, Voluntary Service, Physical Culture, Environmental Consciousness, Culture and Arts, Emotional Maturity, and Adversity Quotient-being gradually carried out.
Mentor Caring Program and Psychology Tutorship are almost realized.
We have seen UIC's concern is not simply to educate students about technical surfaces but as whole human beings. UIC seeks also to cultivate and extend students' knowledge, independent thought, problem-solving capacity, as well as healthy values and morality.
We see that while you are in charge of the college's structure and development, the students' education and growth, you also travel in and out of the country, seeking more internship and job opportunities for students, and even take time to participate in parents' meetings all over China, listen to parents' advice, encouraging them to unite and advise on UIC's development.
At the Sept. 3rd reception, after two years' preparation, you announced to 400 parents the completion of the Four Points Model. Analysing in detail the problems China's one-child generation has encountered, you were worried what might happen in 10 years, when our children become responsible for China's development and construction, where they will lead us.
You also promised openly that UIC would take suggestions from parents on any deficiencies in the college.
The Four Points Education Office clearly declared that parent counselors have the right to know, advise, and even supervise UIC's development.
Your worries for the country, your generosity, and UIC's hardworking and incorruptible staff encouraged us deeply!
During the 12 years of our children's lives from primary to high school, few paid such attention to both physical and mental growth, nor did any principal volunteer to listen to parents' thoughts. Even if we send our children abroad and pay much higher tuition than UIC, we wouldn't find a school in any country who could respect and care for them as much.
Honorable President Kwok, sincerity is a mutual understanding. We have witnessed everything you've done for us and will remember it all. While you're educating our children, you've excited the parents' enthusiasm.
Our children are fortunate to have four years' experience at UIC. As parents who love them so much, we are willing to offer help, however small, to support such a good school.
A single spark may set the prairie ablaze. May UIC's innovative education model set a pioneering example on the road to China's educational reform.
In conclusion, please give our regards to Board Chairman Xu Jialu, President Wu Qinghui, without whose effort and support UIC would not have been born and steadily developed. All UIC students and parents are grateful!
Parent Signatures :
Name Unit
Zhao Suxia Ministry of Personnel, Agriculture Bank of China
Wang Xiaoying All-China Journalists Association
Lu Xinhong Hengsheng Company
Lv Changshan Net Marketing Centre, Oversea Communication
Liu Tielin Beichen Industry Co., Ltd
Hong Zhong China Netcom Administration
{mospagebreak title=At Life's Full Flowering}
At Life's Full Flowering
--A Letter to UIC Students
Dear Students,
This is the third time I've tried to write this letter. (Because when I was asked to write, it always sounds like a letter to my own child.) These things I've been telling you so many times and still want to repeat, yet I'm also afraid you'll be bored. So I'm not sure where to begin.
My son, do you know what worried me the most watching you grow up? My first concern was whether you had enough to eat. I was worried you didn't have time to finish your breakfast before leaving for school, and would get hungry between classes, and that there'd be no food left when you came home from school. My second concern was whether you'd be cold. I still remember winter days when I left your gloves on your pillow and later ran to the door with them as you left. The gloves were still warm with your body temperature and scented with milk. It is curious that no matter how old you are, I can always smell milk on you.
Now you are grown up. You left Beijing and the parents who love you. You left behind the years of nurturing, and stepped independently into the new world that belongs to you. It is a brand new world in which your life's full flowering has not yet appeared in history; it is a new world of rich color and creation. But I want you to know that the road to the new world is not easy, sometimes difficult, and I don't know whether you are fully equipped for the journey.
So much is uncertain on the way: the forest and wilderness, the mountain and plain, the flowers and applause, the fruits and medals.... Many troubles your father and I are not sure how to solve. But it's ok. Do not fear them, try to face and overcome difficulties with your friends beside you. Learn what you need from your friends along the way. Learn to judge and choose the right path, to use the correct method to overcome difficulties and roughness.
You father and I have finished part of our journey. But our ways may not be suitable for you, because the world is so unpredictable. But one thing I can share with you is to keep your heart in balance. However smooth the road looks, you should walk fast and remember the swamp may lie ahead; however muddy the road is and you may worry that you can't pass, learn to be tough because all difficulty can be overcome. Remember to thank those who offer help, intentionally or not. And others, who put you in awkward situations, can be your friends and teachers. Now I want you to know that pain and difficulty in life are normal, success and happiness are temporary. When your mood is balanced you can see things as they are. Look after your own health and walk toward the nice world with joy.
I've gotten used to your absence. In the beginning I was not, especially when I came home each day from work. Please don't laugh at me for calling "Son..." as soon as I open the door, then suddenly realizing my son is thousands of miles away in college. Then my heart would fly to Zhuhai, to UIC... What's he doing now? Playing basketball? At an evening class? Or maybe reading a book?... My heart would fly a long time until my eyes misted.
Today in Beijing, more than 100 parents of UIC's 93 Beijing students gathered to found a parents' club.
Frankly, when a person is middle-aged, with a family and career, it's hard to start a new venture. But when we see how Prof. Kwok travels all over, time after time, lecturing elegantly and devotedly, we are deeply touched by all he does for our children at UIC. As parents, we should willingly take responsibility for our own children's success at school, and the success of thousands of others'. When a promise is made, it should be kept.
We are grateful to life for bringing you to us. We are grateful to UIC for connecting the north and the south of our nation. We are grateful to our era for granting us a flowering middle age.
May all UIC students enjoy a full and fruitful life!
Pang Kunrong, mother of Zeng Zilin, 2nd year student at UIC
October 20th, 2007
Establishment Convention of UIC Parents' Club in Beijing
{mospagebreak title=Photos}
{mospagebreak title=Beijing students in UIC}
Beijing students in UIC