
DHSS recognises students' achievements

Published on 24 May 2021

On 18 May, UIC's Division of Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) Exhibition of Students Achievements 2021: Best Final Year Projects (FYPs) and Award-winning Projects was held, with 61 outstanding graduation works exhibited in total. In addition, the students put forward their opinions on topics including environmental protection, poverty alleviation policies, population ageing, international situation, post-COVID-19 pandemic global supply chains, and cultural image transmission in translation.

UIC's Associate Vice President (International Development) and the Dean of DHSS, Prof Adrian Bailey, said in his speech that the Final Year Projects (FYPs) had showcased students' four-year academic achievements. The exhibition allows fourth-year students to improve their abilities, demonstrate their academic achievements, and lead audiences mainly composed of younger students to explore educational issues and be inspired.

Prof Adrian Bailey praises students' academic achievements

Students receiving awards at the ceremony 

Fourth-year Public Relations and Advertising (PRA) students, Gan Yueying, Lu Xing, and Zheng Bowen, believe that Zhuhai has unique geographical advantages. Therefore, they proposed the Zhuhai Tourism Branding Plan: Home of Waves, which focuses on utilising island resources. These resources will provide culture and experience-oriented tourism, which caters to young people's travel preferences. Hopefully, after this campaign, Zhuhai can attract more young people to travel to the Zhuhai and establish the image of Zhuhai as a young and energetic city. Therefore, they can build tourism as the foundation of Zhuhai's urban development and accelerate Zhuhai's labour forces and employment sustainably by attracting the younger generation. 

(from left) Lu Xing, Gan Yueying, and Zheng Bowen

Ma Yongyan, from the International Journalism (IJ) Programme, has set the sights on the "silver digital divide," focusing on studies of the Chinese elderly's media literacy. According to her, we should allow some elderly people to "fall behind" and make full use of the strength of family members and other social members to create good learning opportunities for them. However, part of them has practical difficulties in using smartphones. 

Ma Yongyan

Li Qianyi, from Social Work and Social Administration (SWSA) Programme, completed a thesis in her FYP titled A Systematic Review of the Phenomenon of Returning to Poverty: The Comparison between Rural China and Other Rural Areas in the World Based on the Concept of Fragility. Through the review and analysis of the phenomenon of returning to poverty, she found that this phenomenon results from multiple interactions among social, economic, security, environmental and cultural fragility. 

Li Qianyi

Jiang Yunshan, from the English Language and Literature Studies (ELLS) Programme, presented her FYP titled Chinese EFL Learners' Perceptions of and Responses to Language Games: An Investigation of Primary and Middle School Students. Majoring in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Jiang Yunshan expected to have an in-depth study on teaching methods and explore the ways that can enable students to master language knowledge effectively.

Jiang Yunshan

Yin Qinghui of the Applied Translation Studies (ATS) Programme did an experimental practice in her final year project. She translated and analysed a feminist literary work written by Bernardine Evaristo, titled Girl, Woman, Other (2019). 

 Yin Qinghui

In addition, DHSS commended the students who have won prizes in the competition in the past two years. In 2019 and 2020, students have achieved good results in various academic conferences and competitions, including the Outstanding Prize of the translation contest at the national level and the Second Prize of the translation contest at the national level at the National Business English Translation Competition (BETT); the Best Students' Paper Award at the Fifth International Conference on Linguistics and Language Studies (ICLLS 2019); and the National First prize at the 7th China University Students PR Plan Contest.


Reporter: Du Jiewen

Editors: Samuel Burgess, Deen He, Covee Wang

Updated on 24 May 2021